Using the Vitis Analyzer or Vitis GUI

Using the Vitis Analyzer or Vitis GUI

While many of the basic insights about the Vitis design flow can be found in textual reports, as outlined in the in the Quick Start Guide, the Vitis Analyzer provides some additional views and an easy way to browse the essential reports of a design run from a summary file as strting point.

Also, the Vitis GUI provides additional design options and views after creating a Vitis project around the used source files.

For both tools, you need to setup a connection with X-forwarding.

[Optional] Remote desktop (with Xpra) on JupyterHub

You can skip this step and directly connect from your local machine with X-forwarding. However, depending on your network connection and local software infrastructure, it can be helpful to use the remote desktop environment provided by our JupyterHub Instance instead. Doing so involves these steps:

Example for ssh connection with X-forwarding

  • In the terminal, connect to Noctua 2 via ssh with X-forwarding, e.g.

ssh -X -t fe.noctua2.pc2.uni-paderborn.de ssh -X noctua2
  • [Depending on the use case: allocate an FPGA node with Xilinx FPGAs and connect to it.]

Opening a Report Summary in Vitis Analyzer

  • After setting up the ssh connection, load the required modules and launch the Vitis Analyzer.

module load fpga module load xilinx/vitis vitis_analyzer /<vitis_project_directory>/cpp_kernels/loop_pipeline/build_dir.hw.xilinx_u280_xdma_201920_3/vector_addition.link.xclbin.link_summary
  • Commands to open different summaries after report generation and full synthesis get printed to console near the end of many Vitis command line steps. The above one is an example of those.

  • You can also browse and open different summaries in your complilation directories directly from Vitis Analyzer.

Launching the Vitis GUI

  • After setting up the ssh connection, load the required modules and launch the Vitis GUI.

module load fpga module load xilinx/vitis vitis &


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