Additional Information for FPGA Projects

Additional Information for FPGA Projects

On Noctua 2, each FPGA node has 128 CPU cores and is equipped with either 2x Stratix 10 FPGAs or 3x Xilinx Alveo U280 cards (see FPGA Infrastructure Details).

FPGA nodes are allocated only in exclusive mode (FPGA nodes are not shared between users at the same time). Hence, you need to keep in mind that for 1 hour on an FPGA node you will always consume

  • 128 CPU hours

  • 2 FPGA hours, if the FPGA node has 2x Stratix 10 FPGAs

  • 3 FPGA hours, if the FPGA node has 3x Xilinx Alveo U280 FPGAs