Project data

Project data

New or follow-up project?


Start date for your project (Note: The project duration in this granting period is 12 months.)




Short description


Project funding

List here the institutions or projects like DFG projects that fund this research. Please include the name of the funding institution, the funding identification (like DFG project number), and the runtime.

Which professorship does this proposal belong to?

Give here the name of the professor that this research project belongs to if the PI of the project is not a university professor. This information is relevant for statistical purposes.

Which methods (physical, mathematical, numerical, ...) are used?

Short sentences and/or several keywords are enough to indicate the computational methods used in this project.

For example, wavefunction-based electronic structure methods for atomistic simulation.

Please select the number of collaborators involved


Please justify the need for HPC resources.

Several sentences to explain the necessity of HPC resources in this project.

For example, the state-of-the-art solution to the many-body Schrödinger equation requires highly efficient computation running parallel on many compute nodes. Thus the HPC resources are essential to conduct the study in this project.

Also explain the differences to this proposal and the necessity of this Project in the light of your existing projects.

We need this information for effective distribution of HPC resources. A few sentences suffice. For example, “Studying a different physical model (Hubbard vs spin-fermion). No GPUs available at [other center], thus applying to Noctua 2.”

Is it planned that users from other states of Germany (Bundesländer) than the PI's state or other countires than Germany use the compute resources of this project? If yes, please list the states or countries.

The information if only users from the PI’s federal state (Bundesland) or also other states use the resources of the project is required for NHR projects for accounting and statistical purposes.

The information if also users from outside of Germany will use the resources of the project is required NHR projects for accounting and statistical purposes as well as to anticipate possible challenges with export regulations. Export regulations will be checked later in detail during the account application process.

Has this project already been scientifically reviewed, e.g. from BMBF, DFG, NHR or GCS?

It might be possible to shorten the application process, i.e. to skip the scientific review, if a positive review by another entity is already available.

Please give details on the review here (reviewing institution, project/proposal name/identification, ...)

Only needs to be provided if the previous answer was positive.

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