Environment for RStudio Desktop version 2023.12.1+402
Available Versions of rstudio
Version | Module | Available on |
2023.12.1 | lang/rstudio/2023.12.1 | Noctua 1, Noctua 2 |
This table is generated automatically. If you need other versions please click pc2-support@uni-paderborn.de.
Usage Hints for rstudio
If you need support in using this software or example job scripts please click pc2-support@uni-paderborn.de.
To use rstudio, you need to setup a connection with X-forwarding and load the rstudio module and an R module of your choice (try find_module lang/R
in a shell on a cluster login node).
Example for Remote desktop (with Xpra) on JupyterHub
Login to JupyterHub and create an Xpra desktop environment.
In the terminal on the Xpra desktop use the following commands
module purge module load lang rstudio module load R/4.3.2-gfbf-2023b #You may load another R of your choice rstudio --no-sandbox
Example for ssh connection with X-forwarding to Noctua2
In the terminal of your computer, connect to Noctua2 via ssh with X-forwarding, e.g.
ssh -X -t fe.noctua2.pc2.uni-paderborn.de ssh -X noctua2
module load lang rstudio
module load R/4.3.2-gfbf-2023b #You may load another R of your choice
rstudio --no-sandbox