FHI-aims (Fritz Haber Institute ab initio materials simulations) is a software package for computational molecular and materials science written in Fortran. It uses density functional theory and many-body perturbation theory to simulate chemical and physical properties of atoms, molecules, nanostructures, solids, and surfaces
More information
- Homepage: https://fhi-aims.org/
Available Versions of FHI-aims
Version | Module | Available on |
240920-builder-for-intel-2024a | chem/FHI-aims/240920-builder-for-intel-2024a | Noctua 2 |
240920-builder-for-intel-2023b | chem/FHI-aims/240920-builder-for-intel-2023b | Noctua 1, Noctua 2 |
240920-builder-for-foss-2023b | chem/FHI-aims/240920-builder-for-foss-2023b | Noctua 1, Noctua 2 |
221103-builder-for-intel-2022a | chem/FHI-aims/221103-builder-for-intel-2022a | Noctua 2 |
221103-builder-for-intel-2021b | chem/FHI-aims/221103-builder-for-intel-2021b | Noctua 1 |
221103-builder-for-foss-2022b | chem/FHI-aims/221103-builder-for-foss-2022b | Noctua 2 |
221007-builder-for-intel-2021b | chem/FHI-aims/221007-builder-for-intel-2021b | Noctua 1 |
210716-builder-for-intel-2022a | chem/FHI-aims/210716-builder-for-intel-2022a | Noctua 2 |
210716-builder-for-intel-2021b | chem/FHI-aims/210716-builder-for-intel-2021b | Noctua 1 |
200112-builder-for-intel-2022a | chem/FHI-aims/200112-builder-for-intel-2022a | Noctua 2 |
200112-builder-for-intel-2021b | chem/FHI-aims/200112-builder-for-intel-2021b | Noctua 1 |
This table is generated automatically. If you need other versions please click pc2-support@uni-paderborn.de.
Usage Hints for FHI-aims
If you need support in using this software or example job scripts please click pc2-support@uni-paderborn.de.
Noctua 1 and Noctua 2
FHI-aims is not installed for all users of our systems because of the license. Instead, build scripts for FHI-aims are offered as module file to facilitate the compilation procedure. The following is a step-by-step guide for compiling FHI-aims.
Obtain an FHI-aims license and get the code.
Load the matching module above, e.g.
module load chem/FHI-aims/240920-builder-for-intel-2023b
, where240920
is the version of FHI-aims andintel-2023b
is the compiler toolchain.Run the build script with the FHI-aims source code archive, e.g.
build_FHI-aims.sh [path to FHI-aims archive]
.This will load all dependencies and build FHI-aims in the current directory. In the end of the compilation procedure, two lines will be shown and they must be included in the job script for FHI-aims calculation, e.g.
module load chem/FHI-aims/240920-builder-for-intel-2023b
export PATH=$PATH:[path to the compiled FHI-aims]
Now you can use FHI-aims to run computation. Here is an example job script.
(please use the pure MPI-parallelized FHI-aims for good performance)
#!/usr/bin/env bash
#SBATCH --job-name=[job name]
#SBATCH --nodes=[number of nodes]
#SBATCH --time=[walltime]
#SBATCH --account=[your compute project at PC2]
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
module reset
module load chem/FHI-aims/240920-builder-for-intel-2023b
export PATH=$PATH:[path to the compiled FHI-aims]
srun aims.x < /dev/null > ./test.out 2> test.err
If we can help you in any way, if you experience problems, or need to use other versions for which we don't have a build script available yet, please let us know via pc2-support@uni-paderborn.de.
If FHI-aims 240920 is built by using the Intel-2023b toolchain, there is a known issue of memory leak during SCF iterations. Please consider to use one of the following modules