Constraint Overview

Constraint Overview

Usage: add constraint to any job allocation (srun, sbatch, salloc) in the FPGA partition where you plan to execute a design on the designated FPGA cards.

e.g. srun --partition=fpga --constraint=xilinx_u280_xrt2.12 -A [YOUR_PROJECT_ACCOUNT]

Xilinx Alveo U280 Nodes

Each node has 3 Xilinx Alveo U280 cards.






Configured with XRT 2.12 drivers and usable for designs built with Vitis 21.2 and Shell xdma_201920_3_3246211

xilinx_u280_xrt2.11 xilinx_u280_xrt2.8

Further constraints named by xrt version. Refer to Xilinx Vitis, XRT and U280 shell version combinations

Intel Stratix 10 Nodes

Each node has 2 Bittware 520N cards.






Configured with BSP 20.4.0_max with external channels enabled.


Configured with BSP 20.4.0_hpc with external channels disabled.

bittware_520n_19.4.0_max bittware_520n_19.4.0_hpc bittware_520n_19.2.0_max bittware_520n_19.2.0_hpc bittware_520n_19.1.0_max bittware_520n_18.1.1 bittware_520n_18.1.1_hpc

Further constraints named by BSP version. Refer to Intel oneAPI versions and Bittware BSP version combinations and Intel FPGA SDK for OpenCL and Bittware BSP version combinations


Emulation works on all Noctua2 nodes. If you use the FPGA partition, you can use the following constraint.






Emulation only if you use the FPGA partition, but do not use the FPGA cards.