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This guide will walk you walk you through the six steps required to use the Intel OpenCL FPGA toolkit on Noctua 2.

1. Get the latest examples.

We will use the vector_add example code that is shipped with the Intel FPGA SDK for OpenCL.

We recommend working in /scratch/ because FPGA designs consume a considerable amount of disk space. Navigate to the directory assigned to your project under /scratch/ and create a working directory for this example:

mkdir getting_started_with_fpgas
cd getting_started_with_fpgas

After, copy the vector_add example into your getting_started_with_fpgas workspace:

cp -r /opt/software/FPGA/IntelFPGA/opencl_sdk/21.4.0/hld/examples_aoc/common .
cp -r /opt/software/FPGA/IntelFPGA/opencl_sdk/21.4.0/hld/examples_aoc/vector_add .

  • common: Includes helper and utility functions to interface with the FPGA

  • vector_add: Includes the actual application code

Other available examples to try are:

vector_add                      <--- used in this guide

2. Setup the local software environment on Noctua2.

module reset
module load fpga
module load intel/opencl_sdk
module load bittware/520n

With module reset, previously loaded modules are cleaned up. The first module loaded, fpga, is a gateway module to the actual modules loaded in lines 3-4. Without version number provided, the latest versions will be loaded. To use a specific version, you can append the version, e.g. intel/opencl_sdk/21.4.0. All available versions can be queried with module avail intel/opencl_sdk With the given commands the following modules are loaded

  • intel/opencl_sdk: Loads the compilation infrastructure for Intel OpenCL FPGA code

  • bittware/520n: Loads the drivers and board support package (BSP) for the Intel Stratix 10 card

Together, these modules setup paths and environment variables, some of which are used in the examples Makefile to specify the Stratix 10 as target card. Observe for example:



If you have a project that was only validated with an older BSP, you can explicitly load the module for an older version of xrt, e.g. bittware_520n/19.4.0_hpc.

The table below shows the full mapping of valid SDK to BSP versions for the Intel OpenCL design flow. Make sure to match the allocated constraint for real hardware execution.

Usage: select the desired combination of intelFPGA_pro and bittware_520n modules and load both individually

e.g. after loading the fpga gateway module with ml fpga, invoke ml intel/intelFPGA_pro/21.4.0 bittware/520n

For hardware execution, an FPGA node must be allocated with a fitting constraint.

bittware/520n modules








intel/opencl_sdk modules


yes, recommended
















































The *_max BSP enables the external serial channels and thus offers the default functionality for our setup. The *_hpc BSP does not offer external serial channels, but may enable higher clock frequencies for this tool version.

3. Build and test the example in emulation.

The compilation is divided into two parts:

  • host code: executed on the CPU. Performs initialization, data handling and FPGA device setup. Host code is compiled with a regular GCC compiler.

  • kernel code: executed on the FPGA or often in emulation on the CPU.

In this step we will first compile the host code and then compile the kernel code for emulation on the CPU.

cd vector_add
make all

Builds the emulation binary called host in the subdirectory bin.


Behind the scenes the Makefile triggers the following command, putting together the correct OpenCL headers and libraries, to produce an executable bin/host:

g++ -O2 -fstack-protector -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wformat -Wformat-security -fPIE -fPIC -fPIC -I../common/inc -I/opt/software/FPGA/IntelFPGA/opencl_sdk/21.4.0/hld/host/include host/src/main.cpp ../common/src/AOCLUtils /opencl.cpp ../common/src/AOCLUtils/options.cpp -L/opt/software/FPGA/IntelFPGA/opencl_sdk/21.4.0/hld/host/linux64/lib -z noexecstack -Wl,-z,relro,-z,now -Wl,-Bsymbolic -pie -lOpenCL -lrt -lpthread -o bin/host

Further behind the scenes, the Makefile determines some of these compile parameters by invoking the command line tool aocl according to the actutal environment as set up with modules. You can look at these parameters by invoking these commands yourself and use them in your own build process:

aocl compile-config
aocl ldlibs
aocl ldflags

Now that the host code is generated, we can compile the kernel code:

aoc -march=emulator -no-interleaving=default device/ -o bin/vector_add.aocx

In contrast to the compilation of CPU or GPU code, the compilation (or often called synthesis) of FPGA kernel code will take several hours or even days. Before synthesis and hardware execution, it is highly recommended to check the functionality of your design in emulation. The emulation compiles the FPGA kernel code for an emulator for the CPU (as the same suggests) and can be done within seconds to minutes.

  • -march=emulator: Tells the compiler to compile for CPU emulation.

Having the host and kernel compiled, we can execute the program:

./bin/host -emulator
 Expected output
./bin/host -emulator

Initializing OpenCL
Platform: Intel(R) FPGA Emulation Platform for OpenCL(TM)
Using 1 device(s)
  Intel(R) FPGA Emulation Device
Using AOCX: vector_add.aocx
Launching for device 0 (1000000 elements)

Time: 8.075 ms
Kernel time (device 0): 1.071 ms

Verification: PASS

Note, that the FPGA Emulation Device is selected.

Note: the emulation in emulation gives no indication at all about the performance that is to be expected from hardware execution on a real FPGA.

4. Create and inspect reports as indicator of expected HW performance.

To check if the kernel can be translated into an efficient FPGA design, intermediate files and an .html report can be generated with the following command:

aoc -rtl -v -board=$FPGA_BOARD_NAME -board-package=$AOCL_BOARD_PACKAGE_ROOT device/ -o vector_add_report


  • -rtl: Tells the compiler to stop after report generation.

  • -v: Shows more details during the generation

  • -board=$FPGA_BOARD_NAME: Specifies the target FPGA board (Bittware 520N with Intel Stratix 10 GX 2800).

  • -board-package=$AOCL_BOARD_PACKAGE_ROOT: Specifies the BSP in the correct version. Normally this argument is not required as the compiler uses the environment variable AOCL_BOARD_PACKAGE_ROOT. Only if you you intentionally want to generate a report on an FPGA node allocated with a different constraint, this argument is needed.

  • device/ Kernel file for vector_add written in OpenCL.

  • -o vector_add_report: Output directory.

In order to inspect the report, you may want to copy the report to your local file system or mount your working directory, for more information refer to [Noctua2-FileSystems]. For example you can compress the report on Noctua 2:

tar -caf vector_add_report.tar.gz vector_add_report/reports

Then copy and decompress it from your local command line (e.g. Linux, MacOS, or Windows Subsystem for Linux):

rsync -azv -e 'ssh -J <your-username>' <your-username>@n2login2:/scratch/<DIRECTORY_ASSIGNED_TO_YOUR_PROJECT>/getting_started_with_fpgas/vector_add/vector_add_report.tar.gz .

tar -xzf fpga_compile_report.tar.gz

Open and inspect fpga_compile_report.prj/reports/report.html in your browser. The whole analysis contains little information, since the example is very simple. The main blocks of the report are

  • Throughput Analysis -> Loop Analysis: displays information about all loops and their optimization status (is it pipelined? what is the initiation interval (II) of the loop?, …).

  • Area Analysis (of System): details about the area utilization with architectural details into the generated hardware.

  • Views -> System Viewer: gives an overall overview of your kernels, their connections between each other and to external resources like memory.

  • Views -> Kernel Memory Viewer: displays the data movement and synchronization in your code.

  • Views -> Schedule Viewer: shows the scheduling of the generated instructions with corresponding latencies.

  • Bottleneck Viewer: identifies bottlenecks that reduce the performance of the design (lower maximum clock frequency of the design (Fmax), increases the initiation interval (II), …).

Open and inspect vector_add_report/reports/report.html in your browser. The throughput analysis contains little information, since the example is very simple and ND-Range kernels as the one used in this example yield less details in the report than Single Work Item Kernels. The area analysis shows that the kernel system uses at most 1% of the available resources, much more complex or parallel kernels could fit on the FPGA. The system viewer shows two 32-bit Burst-coalesced load and one 32-bit Burst-coalesced store operations. Refer to Intel's documentation (in particular Programming and Best Practice guides) about the Intel FPGA for OpenCL to learn more about the properties and optimization goals in the report.

5. Build the hardware design (bitstream)

In this step we build the kernel code for an executed on the FPGA. This hardware build step (so-called hardware synthesis) can take lots of time (hours!) and compute resources, so we create a batch script to submit the job to the slurm workload manager.


# script

#SBATCH -t 24:00:00
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=8
#SBATCH --mem=32G
#SBATCH -q fpgasynthesis
#SBATCH -A <your_project_acronym>
#SBATCH -p normal

module reset
module load fpga
module load intel/opencl_sdk
module load bittware/520n

aoc -board=$FPGA_BOARD_NAME -board-package=$AOCL_BOARD_PACKAGE_ROOT device/ -o bin/vector_add.aocx

Then, we submit the to the slurm workload manager:

sbatch ./

 Details and expected output with annotations

Under the hood, the aoc command uses the following parameters

  • -board=$FPGA_BOARD_NAME: Specifies the target FPGA board (Bittware 520N with Intel Stratix 10 GX 2800).

  • -board-package=$AOCL_BOARD_PACKAGE_ROOT: Specifies the BSP in the correct version. Normally this argument is not required as the compiler uses the environment variable AOCL_BOARD_PACKAGE_ROOT.

  • device/ Kernel file for vector_add written in OpenCL.

  • -o bin/vector_add.aocx: Synthesized output (configuration for the FPGA).

Expected output

cpu-bind=MASK - n2cn0962, task  0  0 [765805]: mask |BBBBBBBB|--------||--------|--------||--------|--------||--------|--------||||--------|--------||--------|--------||--------|--------||--------|--------|  set
Running "module reset". Resetting modules to system default. The following $MODULEPATH directories have been removed: None
  Intel recommends migrating existing designs to Intel(R) oneAPI
  to get access to the latest FPGA high-level design features, 
  optimizations, and development utilities.
  The FPGA SDK for OpenCL(TM) tool will be DEPRECATED after the
  22.4 Release.
  Visit the Intel oneAPI product page for migration advice, or
  go to the Intel(C) High-Level Design community forum for any
  questions or requests.

AOCL_TMP_DIR directory was specified at /scratch/FPGA.
Ensure Linux and Windows compiles do not share the same directory as files may be incompatible.
aoc: Running OpenCL parser....
aoc: OpenCL parser completed 
aoc: Linking Object files....
aoc: Optimizing and doing static analysis of code...
Compiler Warning: device/ declaring global arguments 'x' and 'y' with no 'restrict' may lead to low performance for kernel 'vector_add'
aoc: First stage compilation completed successfully.
aoc: Compiling for FPGA. This process may take several hours to complete.  Prior to performing this compile, be sure to check the reports to ensure the design will meet your performance targets.  If the reports indicate performance targets are not being met, code edits may be required.  Please refer to the Intel FPGA SDK for OpenCL Best Practices Guide for information on performance tuning applications for FPGAs.

Note, that the build of the hardware design will create another report similar to the report that we discussed in the previous step. In contrast to the previous report, the new report contains the actual resource utilization of the design.

To speed-up the process and save resources for unnecessary synthesis we have pre-synthesized the design. Expand the box below to copy the pre-synthesized design for hardware execution.

 Use pre-synthesized design

In order to still use the slurm workload manager, we use a modified batch script and submit it.



# Instead of starting the actual synthesis we use pre-synthezed results.
mv bin/vector_add_fpga.aocx bin/vector_add.aocx

Then, we submit the to the slurm workload manager:

sbatch --partition=normal -A <your_project_acronym> -t 00:10:00 ./
  • We submit into --partition=normal.

  • With -t 00:10:00, we allocate a small amount of time to this file copy job.

  • You can check the progress of your job via squeue and after the job completes, check the complete job output in slurm-<jobid>.out.

Please notice that the compiled kernel has the same name for emulation and FPGA execution (that is vector_add.aocx). If you override the pre-synthesized design accidentally, you can submit the script again.

6. Execute the hardware design on an FPGA.

After the hardware synthesis (and host code compilation), we can allocate a suitably configured and equipped FPGA node and for execution.

srun --partition=fpga -A <your_project_acronym> --constraint=bittware_520n_20.4.0_hpc -t 2:00:00 --pty bash

Background information:

  • -A [YOUR_PROJECT_ACCOUNT]: Specify your project ID to charge compute time.

  • --constraint=bittware_520n_20.4.0_hpc: Specifies the correct version of the FPGA drivers (see BSP).

  • -N 1 -p fpga: Allocate one Noctua node with FPGAs. Two FPGAs are attached to one Noctua node.

  • -t 2:00:00: Allocate the node for 2 hours.

  • --pty bash: Get SSH terminal to allocated node.

To run the design, we load the proper modules and use the corresponding command on the allocated FPGA node

module reset
module load fpga
module load intel/opencl_sdk
module load bittware/520n

 Expected output
Initializing OpenCL
Platform: Intel(R) FPGA SDK for OpenCL(TM)
Using 2 device(s)
  p520_hpc_sg280l : BittWare Stratix 10 OpenCL platform (aclbitt_s10_pcie0)
  p520_hpc_sg280l : BittWare Stratix 10 OpenCL platform (aclbitt_s10_pcie1)
Using AOCX: vector_add.aocx
MMD INFO : Disabling SmartVID (fix) polling
MMD INFO : Enabling SmartVID (fix) polling
MMD INFO : Disabling SmartVID (fix) polling
MMD INFO : Enabling SmartVID (fix) polling
Launching for device 0 (500000 elements)
Launching for device 1 (500000 elements)

Time: 3.600 ms
Kernel time (device 0): 1.291 ms
Kernel time (device 1): 1.303 ms

Verification: PASS

Congratulations. You have executed a real program on an FPGA.

How to proceed

Now that you have successfully compiled and ran the example code on our FPGAs you can proceed in various directions

  • look into the source code of the vector_add example.

  • try one of the other examples mentioned above. Start with an example that is as close as possible to the actual problem that you try to accelerate using FPGAs.

  • visit our main FPGA documentation page to learn more about the used parameters, other options and troubleshooting common problems.

  • do not hesitate to drop us an Email if you face any problems, need support or have any questions. Look for staff with Scientific Advisor FPGA Acceleration as their domain to contact the right person.

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