Versions Compared


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You have the possibility of creating a preset with predefined start options for yourself or your project group.

Note: The preset functionality is currently only available on Noctua 2.


Click here to list your presets:


When you click on the tile ‘Xpra Desktop’, a remote desktop environment is set up in the background. Graphical applications (e.g. loaded via modules) can be started from the started graphical terminal.


Creating presets

Note: The preset functionality is currently only available on Noctua 2.

To save time when configuring your Jupyter environenment you have the possibilty to create preset environments for yourself or your compute time group(s).


  1. Create a conda environment as described here:

    1. Python & Python Package Management

  2. conda activate <your_conda_env>

  3. conda install ipykernel

    1. Or: python3 -m pip install ipykernel

  4. python3 -m ipykernel install --user --name <KERNELNAME> --display-name "<DISPLAY NAME>"

    1. Make sure, that python3 is called from the environment

Create my own Apptainer/Singularity container


Noctua 1: $HOME/.jupyter/last_jh_noctua1.log

Noctua 2: $HOME/.jupyter/last_jh_noctua2.log

PC² Support


  • This message appears because user settings managed by JupyterLab do not match the new JupyterLab version.

    • Try deleting ~/.jupyter/ in your $HOME directory as follows:

      • rm -r ~/.jupyter/

    • If you want to keep your custom user settings, write an email to