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Change Serial Channels during a running job

For the general usage of FPGA Serial Channels visit the main documentation page.



  • ThechangeFPGALinkscommand line tool works directly on the FPGA-Nodes during a running job.

  • When the tool returns, the topology is changed to the requested one.

  • The tool output can also be used as a quick and handy way to visualize the current configuration with the FPGA-Link-GUI.


  • The tool currently only works directly on the FPGA-Nodes during a running job.

  • When the tool returns, the topology is changed to the requested oneYou can run the tool multiple times within the same job to sequentially create and use different topologies.

  • After changing the topology, make sure to reset or reprogram your FPGA designs. Otherwise the network interfaces may get stuck in an undefined state.You can run the tool as often as you need topology changes.


First submit a job like normal. You can start without any intial links setwith a fitting constraint either for the Alveo U280 nodes or the Bittware 520N nodes. Here interactively with srun for an Alveo U280 node:

Code Block
$ srun -A pc2-mitarbeiter<your_project> --constraint=xilinx_u280_xrt2.15 -N 1 -p fpga -t 2:00:00 --pty zsh

or for the an Bittware 520N partition you can also start with a specific initial topologynode with _max Constraint:

Code Block
$ srun -A pc2-mitarbeiter<your_project> --constraint=bittware_520n_20.4.0_max -N 1 -p fpga -t 2:00:00  --fpgalink=ringO --pty zsh

In both cases, next load the module:


Then you can run the commandchangeFPGAlinks. The command names might be subject to changes in the near future. You can run the command to specify a new topology, or run it without topology arguments to check the current status.

This will only generate a overview and not change anything, but can be useful for documenting the current status:

Code Block
$ changeFPGAlinks # Not changing anything, just checking
There are currently no links set up.
Your nodes in this Job (4743991):
No configuration change requested. Goodbye.

If a topology has already been created:

Code Block
$ changeFPGAlinks # Not changing anything, just checking
Your current link-setup:

To visualize this configuration click here:

Your nodes in this Job (901745):
No configuration change requested. Goodbye.

Visualize here: Click!

with the --fpgalink= syntax to set the links:
