When you click on the tile ‘Xpra Desktop’, a remote desktop environment is set up in the background. Graphical applications (e.g. loaded via modules) can be started from the started graphical terminal.
Creating presets
To save time when configuring your Jupyter environenment you have the possibilty to create preset environments for yourself or your compute time group(s).
Created presets can be selected when starting a new Jupyter instance:
Create presets here: https://jh.pc2.uni-paderborn.de/services/presets/ (or JupyterHub home → services → presets)
Local spawner (on JupyterHub)
Spawning the Jupyter notebook environment on the JupyterHub host. Slurm job flags not needed.
Slurm tools, Modules, Remote desktop environment are available.
Noctua 2 (via Slurm)
Spawning the Jupyter environment inside a Slurm job (on a compute/gpu/fpga node) on Noctua 2. Note: You need to specifiy Slurm job flags.
Preset scopes
Select who can use your preset. You or one of your compute time projects.
Default URL
The URL to which JupyterHub redirects when the server is started.
-> Spawning JupyterLab environment
-> Spawning Remote desktop environment
Notebook directory
The working directory. Used for JupyterLab, the remote desktop environment and the classic Jupyter view.
Apptainer container
Your self-built Apptainer/Singularity container. Have a look here for creating your own container: <LINK>
Environment variables
Extra environment variables.
MY_ENV_VAR=”Hello World”
Extra Lmod modules to load on start time. All system modules and Jupyter specific kernels are available.
Slurm job flags
Slurm job flags in Slurm batch format. Example:
Code Block |
#SBATCH --partition=normal
#SBATCH --time=01:00:00 |
Create custom IPython kernel inside custom conda environment