Python Package Management
Python Package Management
Use environments (e.g. conda or Python virtual environments)
Use the group directory on the project (i.e.
)Don't use the parallel file system (
…) for conda or Python virtual environments.
Note that HOME is not a good choice for storing Python packages since
it is not designed for parallel use,
it will very likely lead to quota issues (HOME is limited to 20 GB).
Self-Learning Mini-Tutorials
which python
# load module
ml lang
ml Miniforge3
which python
conda create --name myenv python=3.9.5
conda activate myenv # won't work if shell integration hasn't been set up already
# shell integration
conda init
. $HOME/.bashrc # update shell
# or `source $(conda info --base)/etc/profile.d/conda.sh` for immediate + non-permanent
conda activate myenv # works now
which python
conda list
conda install numpy
# so far so good, but where is our environment (and the packages etc.) located?
conda env list
# it shouldn't live in $HOME but on the parallel FS
# how to resolve this?
# 1) provide `--prefix <path>` to `conda create` (and then full path to `conda activate`)
# 2) conda config --add envs_dirs /scratch/<group>/<username>/.conda/envs
# conda config --add pkgs_dirs /scratch/<group>/<username>/.conda/pkgs
# let's recreate it properly...
conda deactivate myenv
# conda env remove --name myenv .... but let's just rm -rf $HOME/.conda
conda config --add envs_dirs /scratch/pc2-mitarbeiter/bauerc/.conda/envs
conda config --add pkgs_dirs /scratch/pc2-mitarbeiter/bauerc/.conda/pkgs
cat $HOME/.condarc
# (potentially) redo the above....
# then `which python`
Pip (global)
which python
pip # command not found
# load module
ml lang
ml Python/3.9.5
which python
which pip
# note that the default path for global packages etc. is $HOME/.local/lib/python<ver>/site-packages
# to change it we can put the following into our .bashrc
# export PYTHONUSERBASE=/scratch/<group>/<username>/.local
export PYTHONUSERBASE=/scratch/pc2-mitarbeiter/bauerc/.local
# you might also want to add
export PATH=/scratch/pc2-mitarbeiter/bauerc/.local/bin:$PATH
pip install numpy
ls /scratch/pc2-mitarbeiter/bauerc/lib/python3.9/site-packages
However, if you want/need to use it, we generally recommend to use `pip` within a conda environment!
export POETRY_CACHE_DIR=/scratch/pc2-mitarbeiter/bauerc/.pypoetry
# or `poetry config cache-dir /scratch/pc2-mitarbeiter/bauerc/.pypoetry` (config file is here: `$HOME/.config/pypoetry/config.toml`)
poetry new myproject
cd myproject
poetry show # list installed packages
poetry add numpy
poetry show
# how to run something in the environment or use it interactively?
which python # still points to the general one.... WHY?!
import numpy # fails.... WHY?!
poetry run which python
poetry shell
which python
import numpy # works within the poetry shell
exit # leave the shell
# where is the actual virtualenv: `poetry env list --full-path`
Virtualenv (this is not `python -m venv`!)
#virtualenv --python="/usr/bin/python2.6" "/path/to/new/virtualenv/"
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate # activate local virtual environment
which python
pip list
pip install numpy
import numpy # works
deactivate # deactivates local virtual environment
import numpy # fails (as expected)
, multiple selections available,
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