Identifying BSP versions of existing bitstreams

Identifying BSP versions of existing bitstreams

You can find out the constraint required for an existing bitstream using two commands of the aocl binedit tool, e.g.

module load fpga/intel/opencl_sdk aocl binedit build/19_3/krn_auto/volume_dummy_v10.aocx print .acl.board aocl binedit build/19_3/krn_auto/volume_dummy_v10.aocx print .acl.board_package


Finding the output values of aocl binedit in the first two columns allows you to identify the constraint to be used.








.../20.4.0/hld/board/bittware_pcie/s10 .../19.4.0/hld/board/bittware_pcie/s10 .../19.2.0/hld/board/bittware_pcie/s10 .../19.1/hld/board/bittware_pcie/s10
bittware_520n_20.4.0_max bittware_520n_19.4.0_max bittware_520n_19.2.0_max bittware_520n_19.1.0_max



This combination only occurs, when you manually selected the _hpc_ BSP after loading the _max_ module.







unsupported, please recompile with supported BSP



unsupported, please recompile with supported BSP

Unsupported BSPs: Since the 19.1.0 tools, the BSP comes with support for two different target boards: p520_max_sg280l and p520_max_sg280h. These differentiate between boards with so-called L-Tile and H-Tile FPGAs. Our boards contain L-Tile FPGAs, so only use p520_max_sg280l (and p520_hpc_sg280l for selected BSP versions) as targets for synthesis.

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