Miniforge is a free minimal installer for conda and Mamba specific to conda-forge.
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Available Versions of Miniforge3
Version | Module | Available on |
24.1.2-0 | lang/Miniforge3/24.1.2-0 | Noctua 2 |
This table is generated automatically. If you need other versions please click
Usage Hints for Miniforge3
If you need support in using this software or example job scripts please click
Migrating to Miniforge
To migrate from the Anaconda module to Miniforge requires a few steps.
Please run once:
conda init --reverse
close terminal and open a new one (there shouldn't be a "(base)" in front of the prompt after opening a new terminal.
module reset module load lang/Miniforge3/24.1.2-0 conda init source ~/.bashrc
Now you will be using conda from the Miniforge3 module. In your ~/.bashrc there should now be a line like:
__conda_setup="$('/opt/software/pc2/EB-SW/software/Miniforge3/24.1.2-0/bin/conda' 'shell.bash' 'hook' 2> /dev/null)"
It is important that it mentions Miniforge3.
Make sure that you are using the free conda channels, esp. conda-forge. Run:
conda config --add channels conda-forge
Unless you are really sure that you have a valid Anaconda license (see, esp. the section about organizational use), also run the following to remove the Anaconda channels:
conda config --remove channels defaults
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