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Code Block
$ df -h $HOME
Dateisystem                          Größe Benutzt Verf. Verw% Eingehängt auf   20G    6,6G   14G   33% /pc2

$ df -h $PC2DATA/<project-acronym>
Dateisystem                          Größe Benutzt Verf. Verw% Eingehängt auf   12T    1,3T   11T   11% /pc2

On $HOME and $PC2DATA there are only hard limits set. This means, if you hit the limit, no more data could be written. So you should take care, that you don’t hit the limit. We will inform you at an usage of 90% of your limit. If you think, you need more quota, please contact us via Please state why you need more quota than the default settings.

On the parallel filesystem, the method is a little bit different. Quotas are set for every unix group which corresponds to a project. You can display the current usage with lfs:

Code Block
$ lfs quota -h -g <project-acronym> /scratch
Disk quotas for grp hpc-prf-*** (gid ***):
     Filesystem    used   quota   limit   grace   files   quota   limit   grace
       /scratch  245.1G      2T      2P       -  105624  1000000 500000000       -

On the lustre filesystem, there are two limits quota and limit. Quota is a soft limit. You can exceed this limit for a certain time (grace period, per default 14 days). After this time, no more data can be written. Beside this soft limit, there is a hard limit. If you hit this limit, writing of further data is prohibited immediately. The limits are set for the storage capacity and number of files. Within your application for a project, you have to request for these limits.

File Systems in Calculations
