[your user name]:
the user name that you use to log in to the PC2 cluster systems. If you are a member of Paderborn University this is your IMT/ZIM user name.[temporary directory on the cluster]:
Please create a directory for the calculations on the parallel file system, i.e., under/scratch/hpc-prf-[abbreviation of compute project]
. We recommend something like/scratch/hpc-prf-[abbreviation of compute project]/[your user name]/lumerical_tmp/
. This directory is used by Lumerical during the calculations. It is very important to end the string with an “/”.[path to ssh secret key]
: In order for Lumerical to be able to log into the HPC system to submit and run the calculation it needs access to an SSH secret key and this key needs to be enabled. Please follow the steps in our ssh login guide. The path required here is the path to your ssh key, e.g.,$HOME/.ssh/id_ed25519
Steps depending on the operating system:
Windows: On Windows, you need to ensure SSH and SCP are added to the system's PATH. Depending on Windows' version, you can install Git Bash or OpenSSH for Windows.
Configure Lumerical to submit to the cluster:
Open the compute resource configuration in Lumerical via the menu Simulation->Configure resources.
Deactivate the usage of “Local Host” by double-clicking “true” in the corresponding row and selecting “false”.
Create a new resource by clicking “Add” on the right side.
Rename the new resource from “Local Host” to “Noctua 2“.
Edit the new Resource by selecting the corresponding row in the table and clicking “Edit” on the Right:
Job launching Preset:
Job Scheduler: Slurm
sbatch -N 1 --ntasks-per-node=64 --cpus-per-task=1 -p normal -t 30:00 -A hpc-prf-[abbreviation of compute project]
Submission script:
Code Block #!/bin/bash module reset module load phys/Lumerical/deps_for_2024R1 export LM_LICENSE_FILE=[license sever] export ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE=$LM_LICENSE_FILE export LUMERICAL_DIR="[directory of your Lumerical installation]" export LUMERICAL_BIN=$LUMERICAL_DIR/bin export OMP_NUM_THREADS=$SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK export OMP_PLACES=cores export OMP_PROC_BIND=true srun $LUMERICAL_BIN/fdtd-engine-ompi-lcl -logall -remote /home/robert/tmp/lumerical/sweep/s-parametersweep_1.fsp
Please replace:
- [directory of your Lumerical installation] with the path to your Lumerical installation on the cluster. The path will likely start with /pc2/groups/hpc-prf-[abbreviation of compute project]/
- [license server]: with the URL to the license server that hosts the Lumerical licenses, i.e., [hostnameport]:@[porthostname]
After the above one-time setup you can use the cluster to run your Lumiercal calculations by simply clicking “Run” in the graphical interface. The Job Manager will open to monitor your job and see progress.