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The GitLab runner needs to be executed to fetch new CI jobs from GitLab. The best way is to use a systemd service which can restart the runner after a reboot of the frondend nodes.

Create a systemd user service file in your $HOME directory at .config/systemd/user/name.service which looks like the following example.

Code Block
Description=Jacamar User Service

ExecStart=/opt/software/pc2/EB-SW/software/gitlab-runner/latest/bin/gitlab-runner run --config=/PATH/TO/WORK/DIR/jacamar-config.toml


The service can be enabled with systemctl --user enable name.service and started with systemctl --user start name.service. Use systemctl --user daemon-reload after changing the service file.

Now, To make the gitlab-runner continue executing after closing your SSH session, you can use screen or tmux.

The login nodes may be rebooted, e.g. during maintenance or an update. Afterwards, you need to login and start the gitlab-runner anew.

Now, you can schedule a pipeline in your GitLab project. The runner will fetch the created jobs and execute them on the specified partition.
